Good day today overall. Started out with running club before school. Somewhat humorous story to that event.
Madi came into the music room at the end of the day and said "I'm going to be in the yearbook three times! And I had my picture taken two times today." They had called kids down to the cafeteria to take pictures of clubs. So I asked which pictures she had taken. "Running club and Art Club." Ok - so art club totally makes sense. Running club - not so much. So I asked her "Why running club?" She goes "Well, I used to go." Literally, she went two times the entire year. So we talked and come to find out, she really just wanted to see herself in the yearbook more. Somewhat funny - and very vain at the same time. Though totally something an eleven year old would do, but she was the only one in the school who did it.
So Jeremy and I talked. And decided that since she really wanted the picture taken for the club, that she would participate in the club for the next few weeks and earn the right to be in the picture. Wanting her to realize that you don't take credit for doing something if you haven't actually done it. She participated today and had a great attitude about it. I really think she'll enjoy it after doing it a few times. Or at least, I hope she does.
After school, Madi and I changed into workout clothes and went for a walk to the shoreline trail. It is a gravel/dirt path that is quite wide and goes along the Lewisville Lake. It's about 7 miles long and is really quite pretty. We saw a lot of butterflies and flowers and it was 81 degrees. Perfect for being outside! We went a little farther than half a mile and then turned around. Mostly walked. Madi is a great sprinter - has a really good length between when each foot hits the ground and she's able to go fast for very short distances. Totally out of breath after running and has a hard time pacing and enduring for very long. But she is definitely built for speed. She'd do fabulous on a track team in the short distances!! I asked her if she wanted to run in one section and she said "You're crazy Aunt Jess." Ha! I told her that I am not built for speed and am much better at pacing for long distance. So we're kind of an odd running pair - her zooming by, stopping after however many ft., me jogging slow and catching up and then passing her for a bit, then walking with her and hanging out and walking some more and starting the cycle over. Was really fun!!
We got to the car and started talking about bedtime. Madi had early bedtime on Monday night because she couldn't get herself up for school on Monday morning at the right time. We had to knock on the door to wake her up. Same thing happened this morning - I had to knock on her door to wake her up. She mentioned something about being glad she didn't have to have an earlier bedtime. To which I said "Umm, I had to wake you up this morning." She goes "No. I was stretching in my bed with the light off." (Morning routine means she has to be up and moving and light on to be 'awake' - nothing new. always been the rule) So we talked a little more about it. She said she never heard me knock. That she woke up to her alarm. And repeated that she never heard me knock. And I realized that maybe it was possible that she was stretching, was going to give her the benefit of the doubt this time and let her go to bed at 8pm instead of 7:30. So I told her that since she was ready on time, that it's possible she didn't hear it.
She then says "When you knocked on my door, I was in a dream and I didn't know if it was your knocking I was hearing or just my dream." Hmmm... so stretching and awake?? Not so much. Story changed. So I said "Hold up. Back up a little. When you heard the knock? So you heard the knock?" Madi says "I wasn't sure if it was a knock..." So I let her know that her bedtime was definitely 7:30pm and that next time she needed to give the real story first and not try to get out of something with lying. She was really mad to be caught and frustrated about the bedtime. She is constantly working to get out of things. I don't blog every single one. But it is definitely a struggle for her to be totally honest and to admit what actually happens in life.
So tonight was another early bedtime. Hoping she gets up on time tomorrow! As I really did miss reading, chatting and hanging out with her tonight.
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