Thursday, April 19, 2012

Madison and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Ever heard of the book "Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day?"  This little boy has all these things go wrong - the shoe store only has white shoes in his size and he wants blue with red stripes, he has to wear his railroad train pjs and he doesn't like them, he gets in trouble...
that sums up much of last night and today for Madi.

She's been WAY moody and hormonal and saying she hates all sorts of things (like my parents' white car - weird, telling her teacher in LEAP to take down a poster of the world off the wall because she hates it - talked to her about that one and understood the reason, but was completely, completely rude in how she said it to the teacher, and saying she hates all sorts of things that she has).  Has been very greedy and selfish this week.  Totally different Madi than last week.  Can we say "period has got to be coming soon???"  Typically two weeks of calm, one week of non-stop talking, negativity and ungratefulness.  This all followed by one week of tears and moodiness.  We're on the non-stop talking week and I'm so glad it is almost over.

Jeremy had a "come to Jesus" meeting with her this morning about her attitude, unthankfulness and behavior.  Thinking the message was very, very clear.  She needed it and heard it loud and clear.  You could see her thinking.

She went to school and did running club.  Came in my room crying and said that Gracie is not inviting her to the birthday party.  The last few days has been some girl drama - which I try to help Madi through by teaching her how to not get involved in it and ways to cope with it.  Gracie told Madi that she was invited to her party last week.  But she never gave her an invitation.  So Madi kept asking her for one and Gracie said she had to ask her mom.  She finally told her today that she couldn't invite her because she had already invited as many people as she was allowed.  Madi was upset.  I hugged her and prayed for her a second time.  Her morning was tough and we talked about how it was a very sad deal.  And that there is a lesson here in waiting for invitations to come in paper form, not just verbally.  And to not do the same to other friends on her end (not that she has because she hasn't).  Madi was rightfully sad.  Instead she'll have a sleepover at my Parent's house tomorrow.  She'll have a lot of fun with them, I'm sure!!

Around 9am, I receive an email from the LEAP teacher asking what is going on with Madi.  She said she was really defiant and refusing to do work and only doing what she wanted to do.  She said she was definitely not herself.  I explained all that had transpired this morning and asked if I needed to talk with her or hug her or take her out of class for a few minutes to get her on track.  She said that she was so sorry to hear about the rudeness of the invitation thing.  And that it helped explain her strange and wild behavior this morning.  She gave it a little longer.  I did go down to talk with the teacher and she was quite frustrated with her behavior.  Especially how rude she was with the poster and demanding it being taken down.  (She said she realized how far she was from you and didn't want to see it.  However, she did it very rudely instead of asking quietly and explaining how it made her feel.  Was not handled correctly and she was already set off and mad about the invite thing.)  Guessing the rest of the day went ok.

We had Riley's performance tonight.  Was super cute!  Should be a very fun weekend!  We got matching pjs and slippers and necklaces for Pajamarama on Sunday.

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