Madi could barely contain herself this morning as she'd been waiting for today to come for the last six days since her playdate with her friend Elizabeth. They were both in Mrs. Campbell's class together as well as LEAP. Both very smart and get each other. And talk over each other constantly. Actually quite funny, but I told her that it's a great thing that they get each other and that she is a good friend to have.
Elizabeth's mom came right around 1pm to pick Madi up. She scheduled a reservation for them to have tea at the American Girl Cafe and then Elizabeth had saved up for a few items at the store that she wanted to buy. Her mom had told us that they'd be shopping and that if Madi had any money she wanted to bring, that she could get something as well.
Madi has saved $89 and some change. We counted it together this morning and put it in bags so that it was easier for the cashier to count. Madi had tons of pennies and nickels.
Jeremy and I had talked to her about what she wanted to buy. She was trying to figure out something that wouldn't take all her money but we could tell she was just going to buy something to buy it as she really wasn't that excited about anything she was talking about.
She's been saving up for an iPad and was still a few hundred dollars away. Thinking it was just a huge goal to save for and she had mentioned a while back about making it her goal to save up for a doll.
I asked her this morning if there was a doll she wanted specifically. Madi said very quickly "Oh yes! Let me grab the catalog!" As she went to get the catalog, I went to our safe and got out the remainder of cash that she would need to get a new doll and held it behind my back. Madi had no idea it was there.
She opened the catalog and showed the exact doll she was wanting. As she finished showing it, I put the cash in front of the catalog and asked if that would work. She got wide eyed and so excited. Jumped up and down and said thank you several times. She was quite shocked.
I had texted Jeremy to ask if we could do this for her and we talked about how long she had saved up, how we didn't want her to waste her money on things just to have things and how it would really be fun for her to get. Also a lesson in grace as it wasn't something we had to do or that she necessarily 'earned,' but that because she is our niece and it would be something nice for her, that it was something we wanted to do. We haven't talked to her about all that but there will come a time I think.
Riley woke up sick again last night around 3am and has been laying around all day today with a fever as well. I sent Madi with some cash to get her the Mckenna crutches set if they have it. She was super excited to surprise Riley with it when she gets home tomorrow.
They are going to tea at 2:45 today and then going to Elizabeth's house. It's been a little cloudy, but they are hoping to go swimming too. I'll pick her up tomorrow morning at some point or she'll meet me at the school where I'm hoping to get to work on my room as I wasn't able to do it today due to Riley being sick. Hoping this sickness is finished with. I've got Madi and Julia on probiotics (culturelle) that you mix in your drink and it has worked with stomach issues last year with Riley and Jules. Figured it can't hurt and if we can avoid having Julia catch this, that would be fabulous.
A very fun night for Madi tonight and I can't wait to hear all about her time with Elizabeth when she gets home tomorrow!! I'll post a pic of her new doll once she gets home as I know which one she wants, but it'll be fun to see it in person!
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