Saturday, August 25, 2012

Girl Time

School drop off on Thursday night went good.  Madi got to meet all four of her teachers, choose her desk (which is right next to her friend Elizabeth) and drop off her supplies.  It was hectic doing it with all three girls and with all the crowds.  Madi's room was much easier to deal with than Riley's room.  There was much to label in Riley's room and parents/kids everywhere.  Took an hour to do both girls and then we went home.

Today my parents had a Julia day so the girls spent quite a bit of time playing games this morning.  Then I took Madi to Stonebriar.

Her bras were digging into her on the sides and so I looked up a few stores online to see what they had for tweens.  It's a hard age to shop for because either they are marketed great, but not good quality or they are really cheap from a cheap store or they just can't be found in tween sizes.  Same goes for shoes - not many good places to get them from where they will work well without breaking.

We got her other bras at Justice until they became uncomfortable.  Then found some sale ones at Target and those lasted until recent when she has needed new ones.  I looked at Aerie, the American Eagle panty/bra place.  It's awesome!!  And they have started to carry small tween sizes in their basic lightly lined bras.  To top it off, all their bras were 40% this week.

So I put Jules down for her nap and Jeremy stayed home with her and Riley.  Madi and I had a ton of fun going to shop for girly stuff.  She felt weird at first shopping in such an adult store.  Most of the bras are for much larger cup sizes.  I just reminded her that they carry very small bras too and that she'd find them soft and super comfortable.  She tried on some sports bras and the soft regular bras and loved them!  It was cute to see how happy she was about how nice they are.  She's so very excited about them.  And I think it's great to be able to give her a good self image as her body is changing in this way.  She's very comfortable in her own skin and that's definitely a good thing!  And there is nothing like a great bra!!

We got her three regular bras and two sports bras since they were on sale.  And since we got five, she'll get a coupon for a free one in the mail!  (Though I may use that one for myself as it could come in handy!)

We also looked at Justice and Gap Kids and Children's Place for panties.  Either they didn't have her size or they were made out of polyester/spandex/rayon and I am a big believer that cotton is the way to go as to comfort and keeping infections away.

Madi and I then did the grocery shopping at Walmart.  We found some cotton panties.  Got some good snacks for school and lunch box containers with ice in them.  The girls will be bringing their lunches this year.  Last year, it was more affordable to have Madi buy.  This year there are two of them and it is not likely that they will both get full off of the school meals.  Even last year, Madi would end up not eating all her lunch and be hungry by the time school ended.  We'll still do snacks after school, but we're going to try to keep costs down by doing sandwiches with three sides:  a fruit, chips/granola bar and gummies/cookies.

We're also doing lunches from home because we have added about 160 new students to our school.  Lunch lines will be very long which means a lot less time to eat.  This way the girls will have plenty of time to eat their lunch and won't have to stand in line.  We got Madi a new water bottle that should work great as well.  And she'll get a new lunchbox tomorrow with my parents - I'll send money for it.  Riley has a new lunchbox that will work awesome.

Tomorrow we'll go to church in the morning and then drop Riley and Madi off at my parents' house to have lunch and then go shop for a new outfit for their first day.  The girls are really excited about it!

Madi loved seeing all of you and was thrilled to see Micah and how big he is now.  He's so cute!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

School Drop Off

Tomorrow night we get to drop off the girls' school supplies, meet their teachers (for them anyway) and meet all their classmates.  Should be a very fun night!!

Tween Fun-ness

Madi and I had a slightly funny conversation tonight.  Not funny funny but more like 'I totally have been where you are and it's tough but exciting to go from kid to teen.  It was more about comaraderie about how everything hits you at once in the tween years:  sweat, boobs, smell, pimples, oily hair.  All that great fun stuff.  You go from being a kid to having to put on deoderant, wear bras, use facial cleanser and moisturizer, using lotion, using dandruff shampoo and trying to remember everything everyone is trying to tell you to do.

I told her I thought she was handling these tween years well.  That yes, we definitely get frustrated and it is definitely not an easy transition time to be a 'parent' during.  But that we're doing the best we can.  Thankfully, it was talked about with ease with her and I.  And all came about as a result of me asking if she had used her facial cleanser.

She told me that you had seen pimples and had asked if she was using it.  I told her that I had noticed but that we'd had other things to talk about lately and I felt like we would have been hounding her more if we had brought it up.  That I felt like we were saying "do this" and "do this" and "oh by the way, you need to..." so I was going to bring it up soon, but just hadn't.

So I showed her how to use the cleanser, how to pat - not rub - with the washcloth on her face, how to scoop water to wash the cleanser off and then how to use moisturizer.

There will definitely be a need soon to show her how to shave her legs.  Hoping it can wait til you are here so you can help her with that one.  Not that I can't.  Because I can if you want!  Just thinking there will be some things you'll want to be able to help her with too.  Shaving armpits, waxing eyebrows/upper lip - all of that won't be far behind either.  Totally comes with the territory!

We gave each other a high five after the talk and giggled a little about how 'fun' it is to grow up and enjoy wearing bras.  I told her it gets better and that there are stores that sell more comfortable and softer bras as she gets older.  We'll probably go check out Aerie for her next ones as she's needing new ones.

She is self conscious of the pimples and really doesn't like finding new ones.  We were really matter of fact when talking about things and I told her that she's normal.  That considering all things, she is really handling the tween thing well.  So high five, Madi.  Things really do get better from here!!

Friday, August 17, 2012


I had my first official day of work today.  Though I've gone into work since last week every day except Tuesday when I had piano students all day long.  The room is coming together and the meetings today were really fun!  Loved learning new music and seeing my friends.

Jeremy took today off so that we didn't have to spend money putting the girls in daycare with Julia.  When they found out he was staying home, they groaned.  As if he's not fun or something!?  I mean seriously!  So Jer and I talked last night and we decided that he should do some fun things with them.  We'd gone back and forth about Riley seeing the movie Brave as we had heard reviews from several of my friends that it was scary and that some kids cried or had to leave.  But we also heard that it was awesome.  So I suggested that he take the girls to the movie and then have ice cream in the afternoon.

We didn't tell them what they were doing today, but told them we had a surprise for them.  They were super super excited about seeing the movie and told me a little bit about it when I saw them on my lunch break.  Came home to save money as none of my friends were eating out either.

At our meeting this morning, we learned the District Honor Choir music and were given the perimeters of how it will go this year.  Depending on the number of fifth grade classes in my school, I am given the amount of students that I can choose to be a part of the choir.  The choir is composed of students from every elementary school in LISD.  It is only fifth grade students.  They've been chosen to perform at the TMEA (Texas Music Educator Association) meeting in San Antonio.  In fact, they performed last year and I was able to attend the weekend down there to watch my students.  Was awesome!

The clinician is a teacher from Houston who directs other choirs down there.  I am able to send only two fifth grade students.  They have to audition and then we will meet four weeks beginning in January after school to review the music with the other students from the schools in The Colony section.  On March 16, there will be three rehearsals beginning at 9am with the clinician and then the honor choir will perform at 3pm that same day.

I'd love for Madi to audition if you have any interest in her doing it.  The issue may be that she'll be in the Philippines if you take her over there.  And obviously if you choose to do that, that is perfectly fine!  I'll need to know for sure what your plans are once you're here and if things are set in stone around the middle of December when they will audition. The cost of the Honor Choir is $20.

Just FYI:  Madi's passport expires February 20, 2013 (next year).  Just making sure to let you know ahead of time as that will need to be taken care of as well, but you've got time for that once you're here.  I always remember things better if I write them down!

No pressure on the Honor Choir.  Just letting you know a little more about it.  Madi wants to do all sorts of things (gymnastics/swimming/flute/viola) and I told her tonight that you will be working hard to providing basic needs first (house/apartment, clothes, food, etc...) and that she may have to be patient on the other things.  That a lot more will be known once you guys are in a place of your own and you'll better know what she'll be able to do.  That you'll be working towards that once you're here.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Eating Rice

Today was pretty good.  The girls had fun at church together.  It was Riley's first time in big kid church and she loved it!!  One of the helpers said that Madi really helped make Riley comfortable and helped her a lot which was incredibly sweet!  They were able to sit together which was great.

After church, we had lunch and then I have been trying to get some things together for school.  Takes quite a bit to get everything ready.  I created the fine arts schedule and was quite frustrated that the program wasn't working correctly.  Jeremy helped me (thank God he knows what he is doing!) even though I wasn't as kind as I should have been.  Riley reminded me that everyone needs help and that Daddy is a great helper.  Was very sweet of her.

The cable guy came to fix our internet and hopefully we're done dealing with it going off all the time.  Then Jer took Julia down for her nap.  For my room at school, I want to hang some new pictures up above my desk and saw this cool idea on Pinterest about using mod podge along with canvas and words from songs.  So I called my mom to see if she'd want to do it with me and the girls.  She was all up for it!

I took the girls to Michaels and got the supplies and we headed to her house.  We created some really fun canvas prints.  Though I'd definitely say they are all beginner tries and I'm hoping to get more canvas to play around with making mine better.  But it was quite fun.

The girls went swimming with my parents and then we got ready to leave.  Madi asked what we were having for dinner.  Lately she's been not so nice about what we are eating and complaining about the food in one way or another (sandwiches again??!! - having to eat them two days in a row for lunch;  ugh - I don't like that;  sour faces).  There is one meal she doesn't like very much and we make it so it's not very spicy as she doesn't like spicy, but it does keep our food costs down and we are trying very hard to keep costs down as life is truly expensive.  She hasn't been respectful of this and can't possibly understand it and we don't expect her to.  But we do expect her to be thankful for what she has and to respect the fact that we do our best to keep them eating healthy and try to give them what they like for the majority of the time.

So she asks what we are having for dinner.  I shared that it's sausage pasta.  She made a horrible face and grunted something.  She has been warned that if she complains about the food that we will simply serve her rice as she was accustomed to that over there and that it will give her time to think about all that she has here.  Not to be super mean about it - but it is easy to forget how hard things were in the Philippines and how much she complained about eating rice constantly.  She has definitely forgotten that.  Which is good as it means that her nourishment is being sustained and then some here.

Madi then started asking if it was on the menu and if that was what was planned and why we were having it.  She then started making comments about how she is starting to love sausage pasta and I quickly called her out on it as she was then trying to convince us not to give her rice.  There were other factors to this conversation that had to do with her lack of thankfulness and her demanding things to go her way that contributed to this.

So for dinner she had rice.  A very large plate full of rice.

I did talk with her about why she was having it before dinner and explained that she is to be respectful to us and respect the fact that we work extremely hard to provide the best we have for all of them and that she needs to be respectful of the fact that we give her what we have.

During dinner, she tried to talk us out of the decision of her having rice and complained about being hungry.  She asked if she could have sausage pasta.  So Jer and I talked.  During my talk with her earlier, she just stared at the wall and said nothing.  No emotion.  No "I'm sorry for being disrespectful."  Nothing.  I told her it was dinner at the end and she just popped up and said "ok!"  So we decided that if she was to truly learn her lesson and if we were to follow through, it would do more in the long run than to give in.  And we know that she won't starve as she'll have plenty of food tomorrow.

She went to bed around 8:30pm tonight and I'm sure she'll be hungry tomorrow and hoping I'll have a chance to talk with her about it all.  Not easy following through on this one, but she doesn't seem to learn lessons easy and manipulates every chance she gets.  The only times we've seen her really learn is when the hard consequences are given and followed through with.  Even then she pushes, but at least she knows to expect that we'll do what we say we'll do.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

American Girl Store and Sleepover with Elizabeth

Madi could barely contain herself this morning as she'd been waiting for today to come for the last six days since her playdate with her friend Elizabeth.  They were both in Mrs. Campbell's class together as well as LEAP.  Both very smart and get each other.  And talk over each other constantly.  Actually quite funny, but I told her that it's a great thing that they get each other and that she is a good friend to have.

Elizabeth's mom came right around 1pm to pick Madi up.  She scheduled a reservation for them to have tea at the American Girl Cafe and then Elizabeth had saved up for a few items at the store that she wanted to buy.  Her mom had told us that they'd be shopping and that if Madi had any money she wanted to bring, that she could get something as well.

Madi has saved $89 and some change.  We counted it together this morning and put it in bags so that it was easier for the cashier to count.  Madi had tons of pennies and nickels.

Jeremy and I had talked to her about what she wanted to buy.  She was trying to figure out something that wouldn't take all her money but we could tell she was just going to buy something to buy it as she really wasn't that excited about anything she was talking about.

She's been saving up for an iPad and was still a few hundred dollars away.  Thinking it was just a huge goal to save for and she had mentioned a while back about making it her goal to save up for a doll.

I asked her this morning if there was a doll she wanted specifically.  Madi said very quickly "Oh yes!  Let me grab the catalog!"  As she went to get the catalog, I went to our safe and got out the remainder of cash that she would need to get a new doll and held it behind my back.  Madi had no idea it was there.

She opened the catalog and showed the exact doll she was wanting.  As she finished showing it, I put the cash in front of the catalog and asked if that would work.  She got wide eyed and so excited.  Jumped up and down and said thank you several times.  She was quite shocked.

I had texted Jeremy to ask if we could do this for her and we talked about how long she had saved up, how we didn't want her to waste her money on things just to have things and how it would really be fun for her to get.  Also a lesson in grace as it wasn't something we had to do or that she necessarily 'earned,' but that because she is our niece and it would be something nice for her, that it was something we wanted to do.  We haven't talked to her about all that but there will come a time I think.

Riley woke up sick again last night around 3am and has been laying around all day today with a fever as well.  I sent Madi with some cash to get her the Mckenna crutches set if they have it.  She was super excited to surprise Riley with it when she gets home tomorrow.

They are going to tea at 2:45 today and then going to Elizabeth's house.  It's been a little cloudy, but they are hoping to go swimming too.  I'll pick her up tomorrow morning at some point or she'll meet me at the school where I'm hoping to get to work on my room as I wasn't able to do it today due to Riley being sick.  Hoping this sickness is finished with.  I've got Madi and Julia on probiotics (culturelle) that you mix in your drink and it has worked with stomach issues last year with Riley and Jules.  Figured it can't hurt and if we can avoid having Julia catch this, that would be fabulous.

A very fun night for Madi tonight and I can't wait to hear all about her time with Elizabeth when she gets home tomorrow!!  I'll post a pic of her new doll once she gets home as I know which one she wants, but it'll be fun to see it in person!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Madi Gets Sick :(

Last night we had chicken, cream of chicken soup mixture and tator tots for dinner.  Madi told us at dinner that she wasn't feeling good - that her stomach hurt.  We've heard this often as she's had cramps or says it hurts for one reason or another, but it generally goes away.  She wasn't happy about having tator tots at both lunch and dinner so we thought she was complaining because she didn't want to eat the same food item twice in a row.  So we told her to eat dinner and that this was the only food we'd be serving tonight (not much food in the house as I go to Walmart on Mondays most weeks).

She went to bed and told me "I'm going to throw up."  I told her that she wasn't going to throw up, that she'd be ok and that she just needed to get a good night of sleep.  I was totally wrong.

About 3:45am, Madi threw up several times.  She's the first child in our home to actually make it to the bathroom which was a total blessing!!!  She came in our room and got me.  I was in such a fog, but at least this time I didn't pat down the top of the dresser and tell her I didn't have what she was looking for!  I did tell her to go clean up herself before waking up enough to realize what she had just told me.  She was probably like "huh??"

So I went in the bathroom and groaned.  She said she was sorry and I said "Oh no!  I'm not groaning because I'm upset.  I'm groaning because I'm afraid I'm going to throw up too."  Thankfully I did not, but there was plenty of gagging involved.  Got it all taken care of - mopped up, towels and rug and all in the washer, lysol all over hard surfaces.  There was only a small bit in her hair so I didn't bother having her wash in the shower.  Did have her do that this morning though.

She sat on the counter and asked if she could stay in there.  She told me that in the Philippines she had to sit/lay on the floor by the toilet if she was sick as they didn't have enough extra towels and buckets to use in the rooms.  I told her that she could go back to her bed and I got her more towels and a bucket in case she got sick and knew she couldn't make it to the bathroom.

Then I lay down with her for about 30 minutes or so, rubbed her back, prayed with her and we talked for a little while.  She was able to get back to sleep and said her belly felt better.

Today she had some gingerale, ramen noodles, tortilla shell.  All things that sounded good to her.  She played on the computer and watched some tv.  Kept very chill.

We had her lie down in her bed early tonight - about 7-8pm - and she's already asleep.  Madi has kept everything down today so I'm hopeful that her sickness was just a one-time thing!

First time she has gotten really sick since being here.  One time in almost fifteen months is very good!  

We're hoping she is better by Wednesday so she can go to Elizabeth's house, the American Girl Doll Store and sleepover.  We'll see how tomorrow goes!  Hoping and praying for the best!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Church, Swimming, and a Great Day

Church today was awesome.  Madi's class focused on contentment.  We talked about a series called "I love my church."  Riley and Jules learned about Moses.  It was somewhat of a bittersweet day for Madi.

Next week all of the fifth graders move up to the middle school group.  Her friends are all in this group.  We had her be with kids her age when she first came as we were only expecting to have her for a year and figured then she'd be around her same age friends.  Well, they are now all going to middle school and she is going into fifth.  So she'll be staying with the upcoming fifth graders.  She cried some about it after church and we had a good talk about it.  Gave her hugs and told her it is ok to be bummed.  That there will be other great things that happen and that it'll still be great for her to be in the kid's area with other fifth graders.

Riley will be moving up to the big kid church and she'll be with Madi starting next week.  So crazy to think about!

After church, we got home and chatted with Madi about attitude and the church stuff and some other stuff.  We had a great lunch.  Then she wrote some more about Camp - will try to have her finish it tomorrow so I can post it.  Then we went to my parents' house and swam for a little while.  The girls had a blast!!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

School is Coming Soon...

Has been a little over a week since I've really written.  Has been like Jekyll and Hyde here.  Not really sure which one is going to appear.  Generally occurs every few weeks where we have a doozy of a week that is rough.  Last week was that week.  Nothing major in particular.  Just general attitude and sass.  Nothing over the top awful.  Just lots of little things that pile up and create a lot of tension and talks with us and attitude adjustments.

Last few days have been good.  Liking that.  Madi got a call from her friend Elizabeth.  Elizabeth is in LEAP with her and is a smart, fun, outgoing girl.  Can be crazy at times and very hyper, but extremely sweet.  She is also on the TCat Swim team.  They have a lot in common.

Elizabeth asked if Madi could come over to play.  She should bring her doll, doll clothes and bathing suit.  So I said "Of Course!"  Madi had played with her about a month ago so it was nice to have her getting a call to have a playdate.  They had a blast!!  Played with their American Girl dolls and went swimming at the subdivision pool.

They had so much fun that Elizabeth's mom invited Madi over for a sleepover.  But the best part is that Madi was invited to go to the American Girl doll store with them!  She's soooo excited!!  Elizabeth has a few items she has saved up for and I think Madi is going to use a little bit of her money to get an item or two.  Will be fun for them I think!!

Today she went into work with Jeremy.  She plays games on her iPod or computer and it allows me to only juggle two girls instead of all three.  And she's quite easy at Jeremy's work as she's in the other room using her technology!

I will try to have Madi work on her Camp KidJam stories for days 3 and 4.  She's already written about day 1 and 2.  She really had a great time!!

The girls are all ready for school!  Clothes, supplies!  All we need to know now is who she will have as a teacher.  They rotate in fifth grade through all of the teachers so it really doesn't matter which homeroom she has as she will see all of them during each day.  I didn't request a certain teacher because she is in LEAP and they generally put all the LEAP kids together.  She is excited to go back, but not totally wanting to.  She's excited to start fifth grade and really can not wait to go to sixth grade!

She has also been working on writing a book.  She's about five chapters into it.  Great story and original character names.  She had started on one book at your parent's house, but decided to change it to another one.  Will see if she wants to post it now or wait until it is done.

I start work on the 17th and will be going into school to get the room ready starting next week.  Can hardly believe it!  Madi doesn't go back until the 27th.  Riley is super excited for Kinder and Jules keeps asking if she can go to Kinder too.  Hoping that it is an awesome year for her!!

Camp Pics

Driving to TWU!!

Getting ready to leave while Madi awaits a few more
of her campers in her group.

All packed up!!

Gorgeous campus!