Madi lost her bottom tooth today! At lunch she was having a hard time chewing and then there was blood on the napkin while she held her tooth. She said it hurt and I told her to just keep working at it. Better to have it out than have it uncomfortable for several days while trying to eat. So later this afternoon it came out!
Today was pretty good. We've had several late nights with late bed times and lots to juggle during the day so Jeremy and I have been tired. And this is without working outside the home. Fall will be interesting for sure...
I took the girls to Target today to return an unused can of formula. We bought tons of fruits - blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and a mango for Madi. She was very excited to eat mango again. We had to get Julia more food as well so as we were walking toward her stuff, I noticed a 75% off rack in Madi/Riley's area. There were leggings of all different colors for only $1.24! So we picked up several pairs for the girls. Will be useful for under skirts or by themselves with t-shirts around the house or whatever. Definitely can't beat that price!
We came home and the girls watched Tangled while Julia slept. I was working on a blanket for a friend who is having a shower in a few weeks. Had lunch and then Madi did an assignment that Jeremy gave her. She had to use Pocket Legends off her iPod and write - in cursive - all the weapons and things from the game.
Being that is was very hot and muggy today, I decided to treat the girls to Paciugo (Italian Gelato) to cool off. Little did I know the A/C was not working there. The gelato was still cold, but we were burning hot sitting and eating it inside. They had the doors open to allow a little breeze to come in. Madi loved the gelato!! Her favorite was the mint chocolate chip. She had "Cookies and Milk" and Waffle Cone something or other - don't really remember the name.
We're still working on the thankfulness and gratitude side of things. When we went to Target, she didn't say thank you for buying the pants. But when we got home, pouted that she didn't get a black pair when she asked if she had a black pair and I let her know they didn't have any black pairs in her size. She didn't say thank you for the gelato and instead said that she wished she had Grande size instead of a Small size. We had a talk with her about it recently because she will smile or get excited about things, but very, very rarely says "thank you." This is a big deal as she'll be going to a sleepover on Friday night and to camp next week. We explained to her that if she hears someone else say "thank you," that she can always tag on and add "Thank you" after hearing it. It is something she has to consciously think about and work on or it will affect whether she is invited to playdates or sleepovers.
I'm sure it sounds as though we're being hard on her. Being thankful is a big deal to us and showing it means that she is grateful for what she has and what she is being given - whether material or with friends or opportunities or whatever. We are being asked for many things from her and when she is given things, she continues to ask for more without every saying or showing that she appreciates what she already has. So it is hard to not get frustrated with the lack of gratefulness when there is also the abundance of wants. I hope this doesn't come off wrong. Just want you to know what we're working on with her and why.
This afternoon for an hour and a half I helped my friend Katy so the girls had a sitter. Julia cried for a long time because her teeth hurt. Once I was home, Madi said "thank you for the pants" as the girls were finishing dinner as I told Jeremy about going to Target. Was glad to hear that she was thankful. The girls ate their dinner and then we did their night routine. As the four of us read the Bible together (story of Jericho tonight), the girls had a really tender moment together. Riley looked at Madi and said "I love you Madi." And gave her hug. Madi said "I love you too." Then Riley said "Your hair is so pretty." And she stroked her hair over and over. Then Riley told Jeremy she loved him and they hugged and Jeremy buzzed his lips on her face so she laughed. So Riley went over to Madi and buzzed her lips on Madi's face and the girls laughed. Was a very sweet moment to watch the girls like this.
Madi started another new book tonight "My Only May Amelia." First chapter was cute.
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